I just got a tattoo this monday wich you might find really geeky !
I just wanted to show you guys caus i think it turned out really great.
People who have played Starcraft must know what it is
Its a Zealot from Starcraft 2.
Its not done yet! Its going to get coloured in two weeks after its healed properly. Also, its going to have a background and rocks where it stands on.
This is how its going to look when its done and all
Most of you dont know me, thats becaus i only joined a month or so ago and ive not been very active caus of me moving to England.
Well my name is Joost (prenounced as Toast with a Y.) and im 23 and as i said i just moved to England (i am dutch). I will probably be more active in time, maybe with Gw:en, becaus im bored with gw.
So yea.. i am now marked as a gamer/geek for life